P4P Policy

Updated Dec 18th 2024

Merch for danmei series is often sold at a pay-for-production (P4P) price to respect authors' and publishers' wishes that no profit be made from selling fanart.

For my P4P products, the sale price includes cost of the merch items themselves, shipping costs from the manufacturer, payment processing fees (e.g. Paypal, Stripe) and selling platform fees (e.g. Bigcartel, Ko-fi), and in some cases covering costs of defective items within a batch that are unsellable.

RESALE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. This includes for item cost (drop price, D), purchase cost (drop price + shipping, D+S), or any other amount of currency. No reselling extends to items produced by other makers using my works.

I recommend recycling prints if you no longer want them, and please dispose of plastics, wood and metals responsibly if you are unable to rehome them.

The following are permitted for P4P items:

The following are NOT permitted: The following are strongly discouraged, but not prohibited:


Consequences for breaching P4P policy

Reselling for only item cost (drop price plus shipping to buyer, DS) = 3 strikes

  1. Written warning.
  2. Indefinitely excluded from all current and future early access opportunities.
  3. Shop ban, meaning you may not purchase from my shop anymore.

Reselling for item cost plus original shipping (DSS) = 2~3 strikes

  1. Written warning ONLY if you purchased secondhand. If you purchased directly from me, you go straight to 2nd strike ↓
  2. Indefinitely excluded from all current and future early access opportunities.
  3. Shop ban, meaning you may not purchase from my shop anymore.
Reselling to "make back" all you spent secondhand (DSS+ e.g. DSSS), paying a drop buddy for their services = 2 strikes
  1. Indefinitely excluded from all current and future early access opportunities.
  2. Shop ban, meaning you may not purchase from my shop anymore.
Reselling to turn a profit (e.g. clearly more than any likely DS+ value), scalping (unreasonably high price) = straight to jail
  1. Immediate shop ban, meaning you may not purchase from my shop anymore :(



You might be wondering why the policy is like this! There are, in fact, two main reasons:

Firstly, I am a maker located outside the US. Shipping costs that are quite normal to me may be seen as high by others, which affects a) volume of direct sales, and b) resale value when selling D+S. P4P makers are at a financial loss if they do not sell all their units, so the direct support is always much appreciated. Some collectors will preferentially resell their international buys D+S to recoup more funds, and I do not want to see that happen, either.

Secondly, running a shop is a hobby for me, and I want to keep enjoying it! I make merch for my friends, myself, and other fans. The policy is focused on art appreciation over monetary value because that's just the kind of sentimental being I am.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, you are welcome to email me at [email protected], message me on Instagram @hellionophore, or send in a contact form here.