Rehoming Policy

Updated Feb 21st 2024

Pay-for-production items (P4P)

Please visit the P4P policy page for more information. Resale is prohibited for P4P.

Regularly priced original and fanmerch items (non-P4P)

If you must resell non-P4P, I encourage you to list at or below item cost (drop price, D) plus shipping to your buyer if you have ever opened or displayed your items.

I will not be blocking people from the shop who sell for the original purchase cost (drop price + shipping + shipping to buyer, DSS) instead of just item cost, but you may be excluded from early access in the future if I see you do it. If you are buying secondhand at DSS or the cost looks unusually high, I strongly recommend asking for a screenshot of the person's purchase proof.

The following are permitted for regular items:

The following are NOT permitted for regular items:

The following are strongly discouraged, but not prohibited:

Breaching of these terms may result in a ban from the shop and on social media if found to be intentional or malicious.

I strongly recommend recycling prints if you no longer want them, and please dispose of plastics, wood and metals responsibly if you are unable to rehome them.


Though non-P4P items do generate a small profit, I am a sole trader who does not earn a living from my art. Essentially, the money made from every sale get put back into my shop to pay for site fees, packaging, and new merch. I don't extract any funds to use as pocket money; this is very much a hobby for me, and I want to make the most of it!

Because of this, it makes me very uncomfortable to see people attempt to profit off my work, when running an art micro-business in the current global economy is so challenging.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, you are welcome to email me at [email protected], message me on Instagram @hellionophore, or send in a contact form.